Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Grimdark podcast playlist


Having switched away from any form of radio in the car (I can't stand any of the stations another minute, endless loops of crap music in turns with crap talk about nonsense) to podcasts, it's time for me to list my current playlist of podcasts, pretty much in the order of excitement for the next episode:

  1. Preferred Enemies - for my personal taste the best podcast around. A bunch of americans from the midwest with a very healthy attitude towards the game, the community, tournaments and the hobby. My favourite part is when Richard goes on one of his cynical Papa Smurf gems. If they manage to establish Pimpcron as a regular, there are miles ahead of anybody else for me.
  2. Eye of Horus - 'Straya, Mate! Bunch of aussies from Brisbane talking Horus Heresy. Cons: little bit too much 40k/GW hate; Pros: Australian humour, great fluff background knowledge source
  3. Life after the cover save - two presumably drunk americans babbling along about 40k. At least sometimes. Most of the time total derailment into funny stories, hobby, fluff discussions, nostalgia. Politically incorrect and good that way.
  4. Masters of the Forge - an american and a norwegian meet on skype, using 40k novels as a bridge to delve deep into Grimdark fluff. I love fluff background, can't spend as much time on reading as I would want to, so these guys supply me my healthy dose of 40k fluff.
  5. Beers and bolters - second to life after the cover save as a drunk-people-babbling-podcast, still great entertainment, unfortunately rather unfrequently.
  6. Allies of Convenience - a completely different angle to the ones mentioned before. Britland-based, tournament scene focused, but nice insightful thinking on a playing field I rarely enter. Nice to hear some different oppinions from time to time.
Special mention: unfortunately, the Sit and Talks from Miniwargamings Matt have been phased out lately and not always been mp3-available, otherwise would have included them here. Depending on the subject, I either completely disagree with his views or totally agree with them. Either way I like the attitude he brings towards explaining his oppinions and accepting disagreement. 

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