Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Vol'Yar incident

Eldar invade Vol'Yar settlement

M40.161.229 - Tau expansion to Vol'Yar is disturbed by Eldar expedition forces

Eldar intrusion into the Tau expansion to Vol'Yar was seemingly apprehended as significant misdemeanour as recon forces stumble into each other in the darkness of the planetary night. Unbeknownst to each other, Eldar and Tau surprised the opposing scout troops, however the Eldar were quickly overwhelmed and unable to signal a distres call.

Eldar Guardians surprised by the sudden discovery of Tau forces in the area

Kroot and Tau snipers take out the Eldar scouts
 Unprepared and blind, Eldar cargo crafts were attacked and shot down in a Tau ambush.
The resulting firefight of the Eldar Aspect forces and the Tau Recon forces was carried out swift and bloody.

After grounding an Eldar aircraft, Tau forces advance on the crash site.

Aspect warriors ready themselves for the ambushers.

Tau vehicles advance through the swamps.

Fire Dragons blast open the approaching Devilfish

Fire Warriors empty their payload into the swamps, hoping for a lucky hit on the approaching Striking Scorpions.

Swooping Hawks outflank the attacker and land in their midst.

Striking Scorpions cut through their prey with ease.

The king Baharroth is dead...long live the king

On the brink of victory, the Eldar forces faltered and were vaporised by the overwhelming firepower of the Tau positions.

Warzone Sovarra Panghar

Sovarra Panghar shattered but holds fast

M40.161.228 - Capital City of Sovarra Panghar V controlled and fortified by Imperial forces

 Months of siege warfare have ended in a stalemate of colossal dimension as multiple Imperial Guard armies hold the Capital City of SP-V with support of Astartes and Sororitas forces.
The situation looked grim in recent times as the planetary army forces were pounded again and again by Chaos forces, whilst seemingly losing cohesive structures.

Suspicions were verified when a landing party of Sisters of Battle confronted supposed-heretic Guard forces, who then were unexplicably supported by a covert force of Tau warriors. The Sisters held their belief of the Emperor high though, and punished heretic and xenos alike for their ignorance.

Battle Sisters confront the renage Guardsmen    
Outflanking sisters purge the heretical lines with holy imperial fire
 Meanwhile, a mighty force of Chaos Space Marine warriors was stopped in their assault on the Capital City at the latest hour when reinforcements from the Cathedral of Destruction Chapter freed the under siege Astra Militarum infantry positions.

Guardmen fire round after round of their lasrifle ammunition into the charging Chaos hordes
When all things looked dire, with the Guardsmen facing masses of Chaos Kultist brutes and the bone-wrenching roar of mad khornate butchers known as Berzerkers, the Angels of Death land in their midst.

Slaaneshi cultists bathe the Astra Militarium position in flames while screaming in excess.
 More and more reinforcements from both sides turn the city sector into a smoking cauldron of burnt flesh.

Slaaneshi bikers surprise the Tactical Dreadnought armoured Marines.
  Slaaneshi cult hordes and bikers arrive, in ecstatic excitement over the upcoming slaughter.

Chaos bikers charge into the funneled Terminators.
 Soon all the firearms silenced and screams of gore and violence took over as prevalent sounds of battle as the Chaos forces finally forced the Imperial positions into bloody close quarters action.

The Slaaneshi Lord chases his cult following onwards into the fray.
In the end, the combined powers of Marines and Guardsmen led into a sound Imperial victory, holding their fortified positions to put Mankinds defenders into a good strategical position for the overall planetary battle.

Adepta Soritas forces then swung wide from their foothold position, outflanking the Chaos forces and forcing them into a battle on their flanks in the open fields.

A Slaaneshi Land Raider covering the battle plains with unimaginable sounds of excess.

Slaaneshi bikers give throttle to charge full-speed into the Sisters positions
This caused the dark forces to retreat their forces from the city siege, but little effect did this relocation of forces have on the outcome as the Imperial push into Chaos controlled zones ended in a victorious way.

As the Imperial forces pushed forward to fortify the outer reaches of the macropolis area, small skirmishes of urban warfare occured with Imperial scout troops meeting retreating Tau and Imperial renegades. Mostly, the Imperium kept the upper hand and secured the newly gained control over the city sectors.

Legion of the Damned appear to smack down any renegade uprising.

Tau soldiers sprinkled all over the wrecked city, sniping away patrols left and right

The sterner the grasp of mankind on the Capital grew, the more this alliance saw itself forced into a two-front war against renegades and Chaos forces, the former trying to evade punishment of Imperial law, the latter driven by the pure rage of ten millenia of hatred.

After trench warfare and orbital bombardment turned the outer suburbs of the city into a barren wasteland, the counter-Imperial forces felt their time running short. The ever-increasing presence of Imperial forces in strategical positions helped secure the voidway passage, enabling a superior supply structure to carry out a war of atrition in a superior position.

The city centre, controlled by the Imperium of Mankind

Guardsmen sit in their trenches, waiting for the enemy forces to come

After 1823 days of siege, judgement day arrived. Coming from the eastern landing zones, Chaos hurled their forced in amassed numbers into barrage after barrage of bombardement from the city-side trench dugouts and artillery lines, whilst a massive Tau army opened its deadly long ranged fire potential from the southbound borders of the city. How this occured at this same point in time will never be understand, but little does it matter, when the effect on the Imperials was all the same: they had to hold of these two aligned charges or perish in streams of their own blood.

The battle for Sovarra Panghar V Capital begins...

Only the dead have seen the end of war...

...and a lot of souls saw the end of war that day

And so this battle rages on and on, back and forth, with no clear victor but the harvester of souls.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Painting progress - Guardians, Striking Scorpions, DEATH GUARD

It's time for some painting updates.
I'm making steady progress on the Eldar, but I couldn't help yesterday's urge to start painting my long planned project of Death Guard.
See intermediate results below, the Eldar shots include a reference model of the finished ones.

Eldar M'elh-Bhann Guardians

Bodies are Kantor Blue, Drakenhof Nightshade and Altdorf Guard Blue. Upper body is old Crimson Red, a wash of Carroburg Crimson, and Wild Rider Red.

Striking Scorpions

Scorpions are coated in Waagh Flesh, washed in Coelia Greenshade and highlighted with old bright green (name eludes me).
Yellow parts are Averlang Sunset, washed in Agrax Earthshade, with Yriel and Flash Gitz yellow highlighting.

Death Guard Chosen

The Death Guard were especially fun, looking forward to doing more of those. A white coat of Ceramite, then a medium-thinned-down wash of Seraphim Sepia, and careful first highlighting with Pallid Wych Flesh. Waagh Green and a wash of Coelia Greenshade for the shoulders, and Retributor Armour with a wash of Agrax Earthshade for the trim.

Meiraan crisis ongoing

Meiraan crisis continues

M40.161.221 - Meiraan in turmoil, yet another moon reporting casaulties

Another incident involving Craftworld M'elh-Bhann has been reported. Dug in mixed reserve forces hav been involved in a brief struggle for territory after the Astropathicae reports prior messages from the Xenos, stating Eldar hands are forced to action in order to prevent a terrible chain of events foreseen by their farseers.

Yet after a short intense exchange of blows by the involed armed forces, the combatants retreat to their mutual home bases, leaving the battle undecided.

 Witnesses report the sighting of a huge melting body, not being able to describe the Xenos breed they encountered in its entirety.

The enemy made use of powerful ancient weaponry, the air sizzling with lava-hot projectiles burning through the ruins of the city.

 Imperial engineers managed to stall the molten creature's advance enough to enable the Imperial side to control the flow of battle.

Airborne Xenos forces took the battle right into the fortifications manned by Mankind's defenders, but could eventually be deterred.

In the darkest hour, when hope seemed lost and the terrifying molten giant pushed its way into the lines of the Imperium, a brave armsmen slew the creature with the aid of his firearm, and his love for the Emperor himself.

Shism in Meiraan System

Meiraan Shism ends in war

M40.161.216 - Situation in Meiraan escalates into major conflict with Imperials on both sides

A long swelling conflict in Meiraan has escalated into full-blown military operations when the Steel Legion base, supported by Sipahis of Chogoris Chapter, was declaired traitor and attacked by Grey Knights, reinforced by Blood Angels and Imperial Guard forces, for their contact and cooperation with Eldar forces on Meiraan.

 The alleged traitor forces had discovered Eldar presence in the system, but claim to have had peaceful contact with the Xenos, having been provided ressourceful information regarding mineral deposits and other crucial information beneficial to the colonization process.

 However, all is nigh. Buildings were shattered and lives ended by the second, with two Imperial Knights charging out of the Steel Legion holdings, meeting the attackers front on whilst bikers of both races swang around the intruders flanks. Shells of artillery and firearms, of mankind and alien craft alike, rained down on the Imperials, chewing away from their forces slowly but steadily.

Paladins of the Grey Knights waded through rivers of Eldar blood, not suffering the Xenos presence without reply. Frost covered the ruins in the middle of the battlefield as they traded psychic blows and cast unimaginable powers in turn with the grand Eldar Farseer.

Holy Land Raider's thundered down the wing, unleashing a furious brotherhood to smash into the Xenos presence. The air flimmered as Melta shots whistled through the air, burning hole after hole in the massive vehicle's hull, but the Imperial vanguard prevailed.

Meanwhile, the counter-attack of the unholy alliance through the center of the warfield progressed slowly but steadily. The two knights walked through seas of Marines like farmers reaping a field of wheat with scythes.
On the flanks, bikes, human and alien alike, overpowered Imperial forces, while Xenos infiltrators sneaked up upon and dismantled heavy weapon teams, leaving no trace of their intrusion.

After a few hours of battle, the strike force collapsed, causing the Armies of the Imperium to retreat, leaving the battlefield wounded and soundly beaten.

New paint coat for Craftworld M'elh-Bhann

After completing my Imperial forces, I've finally started repainting my Eldar.

Highest priority and starting point was establishing the overall paint scheme for the craftworld.
I have applied this to Guardians and Jetbikes by now and am quite happy with the result.
Also through in a warlock that fits the overall visual.

Next I repainted my stripped Avatar, previously being covered in a horrible monotone paint job that has been on it for decades. The most time this model took me was the actual thought process of how I want to achieve which effect and how it all fits together without going overboard with details.


Finally, I finished the paint scheme on my Swooping Hawks that I started at least a year ago.

The final result looks very pleasing, and feedback has been very reassuring.

Now, what's next?
I have a couple of unpainted guardians, these will be painted next. Also, finished the Striking Scorpion Squad I have started repainting, the initial model looks pretty good and has received some applause at the FLGS.
Next up is a completion of the paint job on the Dark Reapers.
Then I will finalize the old Storm Guardians and Dire Avengers that already have the paint scheme, but lack any highlighting and details.

Finally, I will crawl through the rest of my Eldar collection to check if everything else is on par. Possibly, this could mean stripping and repainting the banshees and the wraithlord.

I won't address all the decently painted kits I own (the vehicles, the black guardian squad) yet, this is a future project.

Friday, December 23, 2016

[Event] Battle of Sovarra Panghar

A discovered transcript in Prussian Dialect of Low Gothic:

Die Schlacht um Sovarra Panghar


Dramatis Personae
Adeptus Astartes
Schlachtbruder Jarvis - Captain Cathedral of Destruction

Adeptus Sororitas
Oberin Hildegard - Order Of Our Martyred Lady

Astartes Traitoris
Kherthall - Champion der Death Guard

Astra Militarum
Lord Kommissar Alandria - Befehlshaberin 501. InfRgmt "Schattenjäger", NachtBmbGeschw 588 "Night Witches", 7. PzDiv Ghost Division
Knight Commander Pask - Befehlshaber 423. PzRgmt Cadia, 110. InfRgmt Cadia

###gelöscht nach Inquisitorialem Dekret#####

Commander O' G'Kar Na'Tosh - Anführer des Feuermond Kaders "die Verbannten der beiden Heimaten".

Sovarra Panghar, M40.161.228 - Das Sovarra-Panghar-System, von seinem unbekannten Entdecker im sablischen Dialekt des Niedergotischen "Perle des Ostens" benannt, hat schon lange nichts perlenhaftes, erhabenes mehr an sich. Das System war in der Vergangenheit ein wichtiger Sammelposten für Expeditionen in den Östlichen Rand, und reich an radioaktiven Materialen zum Reaktor- und Waffenbau. Doch diese Zeit ist lange vergangen, und das Imperium führt hier einen seiner vielen vergessenen Kriege gegen die Mächte das Chaos.
Als Reaktion auf das Auftauchen der Tyraniden im Segmentum wurde Sovarra Panghar vom Administratum zum Truppenstützpunkt ausgerufen, und eine viele Regimenter und Divisionen umfassende Rückeroberungsarmee ausgehoben. Kurz vor Auslaufen der Flotte jedoch tat sich im Gasriesen Sovarra Panghar VII ein Warpriss auf, und seine Schürfmonde VII.II und VII.III wurden schnell zu Brückenköpfen der ausströmenden Kräfte des Chaos.
Cardias Vengoron Luctesus, amtierender Lord Gouverneur von Sovarra Panghar IV und damit höchster Vertreter des Administratum, erließ daraufhin ein Edikt, wonach Sovarra Panghar erst vollständig vom Chaos bereinigt werden müsse, bevor auch nur Teile der Flotte zu ihrem Ziel aufbrechen konnte.
Hauptkommandierender Marschall Irestos Garnivar fügte sich widerwillig diesem Befehl, da er die politische Unterstützung des Lord Gouverneur benötigt, doch nicht alle Mitglieder seines Stabes billigen seine Entscheidung.
Die Kräfte des Chaos griffen bald den größten Felsplaneten des Sektors, Sovarra Panghar V, an, auf dem seither eine erbitterte endlose Materialschlacht wütet, ein Zerhächsler von Seelen und entseelten, ein planetares Schlachthaus, das alles verschlingt, was sich dort hin begibt. Wer hier strandet, der endet hier. Die Moral ist auf dem Tiefpunkt, die Luft drückend vom Gestank der Toten.
Hier hält das Astra Militarum aktuell 3 große Stellungen, und versucht, den Feind von der Planetenoberfläche zu tilgen und in den Warp zurückzudrängen.

+++ Logbuch Gladius Klasse "Holy Hammer" der Cathedral of Destruction +++
…Navigator gibt geschätztes Ende der Warpreise mit 10 Stunden an…allgemeine Gefechtsbereitschaft in 6 Stunden einleiten…alle kommandierenden Offiziere und Unteroffiziere zur taktischen Besprechung ins Strategium…Operation Hammerschlag einleiten…für den Imperator!

"Auch nach vielen Jahren in der Pflicht des Ordens erfüllt es mich immer wieder aufs Neue mit tiefer Ehrfurcht und lässt meine Brust vor Stolz schwellen, wenn wir unserer Liebe für Ihn Taten und Waffen sprechen lassen. Erneut ist es an uns, an jeder von uns, an mir, den Glauben zu schützen, zu verbreiten, und der Heräsie Einhalt zu gebieten. Ein weiteres Mal werden wir uns mit flammender Wucht in die Abtrünnigen stürzen, um Sein Reicht zu verteidigen. Oh, wie mein Herz voller tiefer Hingabe für Ihn höher schlägt, wenn ich an unsere herrlichen Taten denke, die vor uns liegen.
Blut wird in Bächen fließen, doch der Imperator beschützt...", denkt sich Celestia Phelatina, als Sie ein letztes Mal in sich geht, ein letztes Mal auf die karge Oberfläche des braunen Planeten blickt, bevor die Sirenen ertönen...


Die Schlacht um Sovarra Panghar
Datum: 28.12.
System: Sovarra Panghar
Schauplatz: Sovarra Panghar V
Situation: Andauernder Stellungkrieg. Aktuell 3 stabile Stellungen des Astra Militarum (Stellung Beta, Theta, Signum)

  • Dies ist kein Turnier, sondern ein Story-Event. Es sollte der Spaß für alle Spieler im Vordergrund stehen, nicht möglichst einseitiges Zermalmen. Bitte bedenkt dies bei der Konstruktion eurer Listen.
  • Benötigte Listen: Killteam, 500 Punkte (keine Fahrzeuge), 750, 1000, 1500
  • Unbound für fluffige Listen erlaubt (aber bitte kein Unsinn à la 5 Flyrants)
  • Spieler, die sich einen passenden Hintergrund für Ihre Armee überlegt haben, dürfen ihre Kriegsherrenbegabung wählen
  • Verteidiger und Angreifer: Angreifer dürfen Aufstellungsart und Spielfeldkante wählen, Verteidiger wählen, ob sie zuerst oder als zweites aufstellen.
  • Es wird 3 Fraktionen geben: Imperiumstreu, Neutral/Abtrünnig, Chaos. Die Aufteilung auf die Fraktionen wird sich teilweise aus den ersten Spielpartien ergeben.
  • Jede Schlacht wird in einem passenden "endloser Krieg" Szenario gespielt.

  1. Jede Imperiale-Garde-Armee wird einer Stellung zugewiesen
  2. Sisters wählen oder würfeln, welche Garde Armee abtrünnig geworden ist => 1000 Punkte Sisters vs. 500 (abtrünnige) Garde + 500 Tau (kommen als Reserve)
  3. Chaos wählen oder würfeln, welche Garde Stellung sie angreifen, und erhalten Unterstützung durch von Chaos unterwanderter zweiter Garde Einheit (kommen als Reserve). Space Marines kommen zur Unterstützung der imperatortreuen Garde (ebenfalls Reserve) (500 CSM + 500 IG vs. 500 IG + 500 SM)
  4. Runde II - Killteam entsprechend der taktischen Situation
  5. Weitere Entwicklung des Konflikts abhängig von Spielergebnissen

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hobby plans 2017

Time for some soul searching. Did I complete my goals?
My goal this year was to convert my whole Space Marine Army to Imperial Fists, und fully paint all my Eldar.
It is safe to say, the former I have completed. I have a small bonus round in front of me, putting decals on the models, but apart from that, they are done.
The Eldar I have started, and I was successful in that I've established a new colour theme for my craftworld where I have already finished a dozen or so models, and repainted my Avatar. I haven't painted my eldar fully though, and will not succeed to do so in the remainder of the year.
But, there were unexpected achievements: I managed to fully paint my Space Wolves (I only need to assemble and paint a pack of Long Fangs that are sitting on the shelve), and improved my terrain drastically with a Kraken Mat.

Therefore I call the recent year somewhat successful and am rather pleased with the result.

Based on this, I have thought about my 3 major goals for 2017:
- I will now repaint or finish those aspect warriors where I am not happy with the current result, meaning Swooping Hawks, Dark Reapers, and Striking Scorpions. Stretch goal would be dire avengers, and stripping and repainting the Banshees.
- I will paint my Chaos army. My focus is on Nurgle, but I will also include Tzeetchian und Slaaneshi elements. The theme will be mostly Heresy-era Death Guard inspired.
- Complete rebuild of my terrain. Looking into kickstarters, constructing terrain with styroplast cardboard, and continuously replace all the old garbage I use for terrain nowadays.

I am confident that I will be able to complete the Eldar part very soon, and already looking forward to tackle my Chaos army, a faction I have recently fallen in love with deeply due to the Horus Heresy Novels.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

My Grimdark podcast playlist - revisited

More Podcasts!

After a year of passionate podcast consumption, I feel it's time to update my podcast list.
  1. Eye of Horus - 'Straya, Mate! Bunch of aussies from Brisbane talking Horus Heresy. Australian humour, discussions are great, off-topic even better, Spencer is epic. How much cats can Dorn eat?
  2. Preferred Enemies - for my personal taste the best 40k podcast around. A bunch of americans from the midwest with a very healthy attitude towards the game, the community, tournaments and the hobby. My favourite part is when Richard goes on one of his cynical Papa Smurf gems. If they manage to establish Pimpcron as a regular, they might take the front seat again.
  3. Age of Darkness - JP and Marc from Canadia talk Horus Heresy, both as game and the novel series. Love the superdeep fluff knowledge.
  4. Beers and bolters - sometimes-drunk-people-babbling-podcast, still great entertainment, unfortunately rather unfrequently.
  5. MiniWarGaming's Sit and Talk - funny, entertaining, interesting, versatile. The changing seat is a great addition to the show to include different opinions and keep Matt fresh for his appearances.

I also listen to my dosis of footy podcasts during the season, too, but the hobby podcasts clearly take the lion share.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Cantagarra III incident

The Cantagarra III incident

M40.161.105 - Long lost renegade Raven Guard repel Imperial Fists landing

Imperial Fists landing troops make a disturbing discovery as they go planetside on Cantagarra III to secure long lost tech-arcana. Shortly after the Astartes secure the perimeter, forces identified as Raven Guard turn up and attack their brethren, denying the Imperial Fists access to the planet's lost treasures. Communication attempts remain unanswered, forcing the Fists to retreat from the area after taking heavy casualties.

Imperial Fists entrenched in their landing zone

Raven Guard renegades appear in numbers

Raven Guard reinforcements outflank the Fists, turning the battlefield into a cauldron

Terminator forces land in the midst of the renegades

Imperial Fist Assault Terminators clashing forces with the dug in renegades

The wreckage site that used to be the Imperial Fists foothold

Whether the forces met on Cantagarra III were Legion Astartes turned to Chaos long ago but visually unaffected, or long lost brethren turned renegade millenia ago in the turmoils of the Horus Heresy, or if these were Imperial troops on a secret mission, denying their brethren for a greater good, remains unknown....