Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hobby plans 2017

Time for some soul searching. Did I complete my goals?
My goal this year was to convert my whole Space Marine Army to Imperial Fists, und fully paint all my Eldar.
It is safe to say, the former I have completed. I have a small bonus round in front of me, putting decals on the models, but apart from that, they are done.
The Eldar I have started, and I was successful in that I've established a new colour theme for my craftworld where I have already finished a dozen or so models, and repainted my Avatar. I haven't painted my eldar fully though, and will not succeed to do so in the remainder of the year.
But, there were unexpected achievements: I managed to fully paint my Space Wolves (I only need to assemble and paint a pack of Long Fangs that are sitting on the shelve), and improved my terrain drastically with a Kraken Mat.

Therefore I call the recent year somewhat successful and am rather pleased with the result.

Based on this, I have thought about my 3 major goals for 2017:
- I will now repaint or finish those aspect warriors where I am not happy with the current result, meaning Swooping Hawks, Dark Reapers, and Striking Scorpions. Stretch goal would be dire avengers, and stripping and repainting the Banshees.
- I will paint my Chaos army. My focus is on Nurgle, but I will also include Tzeetchian und Slaaneshi elements. The theme will be mostly Heresy-era Death Guard inspired.
- Complete rebuild of my terrain. Looking into kickstarters, constructing terrain with styroplast cardboard, and continuously replace all the old garbage I use for terrain nowadays.

I am confident that I will be able to complete the Eldar part very soon, and already looking forward to tackle my Chaos army, a faction I have recently fallen in love with deeply due to the Horus Heresy Novels.

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