Sovarra Panghar shattered but holds fast
M40.161.228 - Capital City of Sovarra Panghar V controlled and fortified by Imperial forces
Months of siege warfare have ended in a stalemate of colossal
dimension as multiple Imperial Guard armies hold the Capital City of
SP-V with support of Astartes and Sororitas forces.
The situation
looked grim in recent times as the planetary army forces were pounded
again and again by Chaos forces, whilst seemingly losing cohesive
Suspicions were verified when a landing
party of Sisters of Battle confronted supposed-heretic Guard forces, who
then were unexplicably supported by a covert force of Tau warriors. The
Sisters held their belief of the Emperor high though, and punished
heretic and xenos alike for their ignorance.
Battle Sisters confront the renage Guardsmen | | | | |
Outflanking sisters purge the heretical lines with holy imperial fire |
a mighty force of Chaos Space Marine warriors was stopped in their
assault on the Capital City at the latest hour when reinforcements from
the Cathedral of Destruction Chapter freed the under siege Astra
Militarum infantry positions.
Guardmen fire round after round of their lasrifle ammunition into the charging Chaos hordes |
When all things looked dire, with the Guardsmen facing masses of Chaos Kultist brutes and the bone-wrenching roar of mad khornate butchers known as Berzerkers, the Angels of Death land in their midst.
Slaaneshi cultists bathe the Astra Militarium position in flames while screaming in excess. |
More and more reinforcements from both sides turn the city sector into a smoking cauldron of burnt flesh.
Slaaneshi bikers surprise the Tactical Dreadnought armoured Marines. |
Slaaneshi cult hordes and bikers arrive, in ecstatic excitement over the upcoming slaughter.
Chaos bikers charge into the funneled Terminators. |
Soon all the firearms silenced and screams of gore and violence took over as prevalent sounds of battle as the Chaos forces finally forced the Imperial positions into bloody close quarters action.
The Slaaneshi Lord chases his cult following onwards into the fray. |
In the end, the combined powers of Marines and Guardsmen led into a sound Imperial victory, holding their fortified positions to put Mankinds defenders into a good strategical position for the overall planetary battle.
Adepta Soritas forces then swung wide from their foothold
position, outflanking the Chaos forces and forcing them into a battle
on their flanks in the open fields.
A Slaaneshi Land Raider covering the battle plains with unimaginable sounds of excess. |
Slaaneshi bikers give throttle to charge full-speed into the Sisters positions |
This caused the dark forces to
retreat their forces from the city siege, but little effect did this
relocation of forces have on the outcome as the Imperial push into Chaos
controlled zones ended in a victorious way.
As the
Imperial forces pushed forward to fortify the outer reaches of the
macropolis area, small skirmishes of urban warfare occured with Imperial
scout troops meeting retreating Tau and Imperial renegades. Mostly, the
Imperium kept the upper hand and secured the newly gained control over
the city sectors.
Legion of the Damned appear to smack down any renegade uprising. |
Tau soldiers sprinkled all over the wrecked city, sniping away patrols left and right |
The sterner the grasp of mankind on the Capital grew, the
more this alliance saw itself forced into a two-front war against
renegades and Chaos forces, the former trying to evade punishment of
Imperial law, the latter driven by the pure rage of ten millenia of
After trench warfare and orbital bombardment
turned the outer suburbs of the city into a barren wasteland, the
counter-Imperial forces felt their time running short. The
ever-increasing presence of Imperial forces in strategical positions
helped secure the voidway passage, enabling a superior supply structure
to carry out a war of atrition in a superior position.
The city centre, controlled by the Imperium of Mankind |
Guardsmen sit in their trenches, waiting for the enemy forces to come |
1823 days of siege, judgement day arrived. Coming from the eastern
landing zones, Chaos hurled their forced in amassed numbers into barrage
after barrage of bombardement from the city-side trench dugouts and
artillery lines, whilst a massive Tau army opened its deadly long ranged
fire potential from the southbound borders of the city. How this
occured at this same point in time will never be understand, but little
does it matter, when the effect on the Imperials was all the same: they
had to hold of these two aligned charges or perish in streams of their
own blood.
The battle for Sovarra Panghar V Capital begins... |
Only the dead have seen the end of war... |
...and a lot of souls saw the end of war that day |
And so this battle rages on and on, back and forth, with no clear victor but the harvester of souls.