Hive Fleet Marnassus invades the Eastern Fringe
M40.170.106 - Tyranids land on Ingollara IV
Past are the days when Ingollara IV was known as a peaceful, prospering hive world and economical centre of the subregion. Billions of administratum scribes, aeronautica logisticas, flotilla personnel and arbites worked together as an impossibly massive, neverending clockwork of orders, transportations, loadings and clearing, tonnage and toll controls.
But no more...on third sun's dawn of the second day of the third month of the year M40.170.105 of the emperor, the xenos invasion began...
The first distress signals were picked up by a nearby contingent of Imperial fists, changing the course of their escort ship to deploy a relief contingent to the planetary system of Ingollara.
When they arrived, it was clearly apparent that the former busy hive world was in dour need of defense. Little did the newly arrived force know whether it arrived in time.
The Adeptus Astartes strike force made planetfall immediately...
Tyranids intrude the outer suburbs of Curathnia, a major space cargo bay in the southern hemisphere |
Imperial Fists reconnaisance forces discover a genestealer invasion |
The tide turns when the genestealer patriachs makes his presence known |
Warned Astartes deploy the First Company |
Veterans in tactical dreadnought armour wade through the enemy forces in unstoppable motion |
A winged hive tyrant leads his forces for a flanking maneuvre |
The winged monster surges from the sky, shrieking and firing |
Terminators hold a chokepoint against the charging mindless xenos |
One by one, the space marines have to give in |
Armoured support fires bombardement shells into the xenos creatures |
Explosions shatter the ground of Ingollara as Devastators unleash their deadly missiles |
After a year of fierce combat, the lines are drawn, the positions fortified, but the position of the Astartes are challenged as their supply lines are cut of by the masses of biomassive ships the Great Devourer brought, hovering in orbit over Ingollara.
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