Yet another tombworld awakened
M40.160.724 - Black Templars discover Necron forces on Periphles V
The Black Templar forces continue their grim discoveries throughout the apparent former Necrontyr territory of Periphles as they discover yet another awakening tombworld on the surface of the jungle world of Periphles V.
Black Templars discover Cryptek forces scouting the parameter |
The holy crusaders discover the first vanguard of Necron forces as they stumple upon Cryptek constructs, being the first to secure the planet for the dawn of the Necron underworld.
Black Templars wearing off the Necron constructs |
Caught off guard and unprepared to face this grim foe, the Black Templar forces fail to erradicate the discovered constructs and therefore are unable to seal the tomb worlds entrance before it's ascend can begin.
Metal beasts charging into the crusaders |
M40.160.724 - Space Wolves reinforcements arrive
Having picked up distress calls from the Black Templar deployment, later this year Space Wolves forces in the system arrive at the planet to relief their brethren.
Failing to make contact with their battle-brothers, the wolves make planetfall to explore the Black Templars faith.
Thunderwolves charge into the awakening Necron warriors |
Shocked but unsurprised, they find no remains of the Black Templar forces yet their scouting patrols hit Necron forces on multiple sites.
Blows are traded, yet no decisive victories are scored when the planet is hit by a mild warpstorm, denying the Imperial forces the opportunity for vox coordination.
Fanrir carves through the enemy lines |
The last established contact confirms Dreadnought Fanrir Wyrmwrath and his brethren in battle with a Necron patrol.
M40.160.917 - The tide turns
When the warp storms recide, the ortibal forces of the Rout fail to establish communication with the forces deployed on the planet's surface.
Therefore, scouting troops are deployed to rediscover the lost brethren.
When the Sons of Russ finally retain Fanrirs position, the situation is bare in all its grimness: Fanrir is caught and close to being overwhelmed by the rising numbers of Necron forces.
Quickly the wolves charge into battle, yet are fended off, and eventually, Fanrir, having battled for months
and years bravely, has to give in.
Fanrir fighting the rising number of Necron warriors |
Space wolves forces struggling for their position to relief the dreadnought |
The perish of a chapter's hero |
M40.160.917 - The geneseed is lost
Shocked and driven mad by the loss of their veteran brother, the Rout can do all but give in to the Curse of the Wulfen. In their uncontrolled rage, their only thoughts are to vengeance the loss of Fanrir and retain his geneseed and sarcophagus to let his deeds carry on in another brethrens actions.
Space Wolves forces rediscover Fanrirs fallen body at his last recorded position |
His remains are recovered amongst the smoking ruins of his last recorded position, but the retention forces are driven off by the rising number of Necrons, and his relics are supposedly forever lost to humanity.
The Sons of Russ driven off by the overwhelming forces of Necron warriors |
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