Monday, April 4, 2016

The lines blurr in the Perophles system

The Great Devourer joins the fray

M40.160.402 - Black Templars driven off Perophles IV by Tyranid and Chaos forces

Imperial control over Perophles system is getting out of hand further after a massive engagement of unlikely proportions took place on in the jungles of Peroples IV.
The planet itself being subject to planetary invasion from the air space controlling chaos forces, Imperial forces find themselves being too busy to prepare their defences as they discover a stealth operation of Tau forces in the system to keep them occupied. When thing look like they can't go any grimmer, an invasion of Tyranid forces reaches the system and starts going planetface to defend they're prey from the incoming rivalling predators.
The Black Templar forces quickly get caught between the forceful impact of the arch enemy and the reckless charge of the Tyranid vanguard, both human and Tau getting vaporised alike, leaving the planet defenseless and eventually getting having the Great Devourer establishing a beachhead on the battlesite.

Black Templars gunning down charging gaunts

Neophytes getting overwhelmed by the forces of Nurgle

Forces of Chaos charge head on into the arch enemy

Tau snipers fire from cover

M40.160.403 - A stalemate signed with seas of blood on Perophles III

 Imperial relief forces of Space Wolves called to occupy the increasing flow of Necron forces find themselves in a massive armwrestle of a battle caused by the invasion forces of Chaos and Tyranid stemming from either side of the system. After months and months of bloodshed, the weared down forces of either side find themselves with no considerable win at their hand.

Space Wolves cavalry stampede through waves of gaunts

Thunderwolf Cavalry get bogged down by masses of Tyranids

Blood claws launch a diversion attack into the lines of Chaos

Hive Tyrant and Monolith dividing the reign over the air space and the battlefield

Friday, April 1, 2016

The dark undead secret of Periphles III

Unknown tomb world discovered by garrison Imperial forces

The 386th Krieg Death Korps Batallion has suffered heavy casaulties when fending off attacks from a recently awaken long forgotten tomb world hidden under the fauna-covered city ruins of Periphles III.
The main street of the Periphles III Primaris
The former market of Periphes III Primares, now a desolated crater
Little is known what is still hidden in the unsurpassable forests away from the population dense areas, but for now the enemy is repelled.
Infantry platoons securing the market
Mankind's artillery line
The roaring thunder of ordnance fire
Necron warriors slowly advance
Flanking Imperial forces firing from cover
Defeat was close and the threat of being overrun well and truly closing down on the dug in Imperial troops when their artillery fire finally prevailed, and the nigh-unstoppable Necron forces slowly dwindled until the flood of undead bodies became a manageable dripple of resistance.

Blood freezes in their veins as they glimpse the horror that is to come upon them
Sharpshooters turn the battlefield into a hellhole
Infantry platoons roar as they charge into the soulless forces of the enemy
Green fizzles of gauss fire fill the air with ozon smells as the Necron guard advances
Plenty a man gets slain in the vile butchering of close combat

Pirephles system cut off from supplies

Chaos forces gain control over the air space of  Pirephles system

Coming seemingly out of nowhere, a small Chaos fleet has driven away the present Imperial forces and isoated the Imperial forces occupying the planetary systems. In a short but nevertheless devestating battle, the Imperial fleet had to leave combat airspace after both sides suffering heavy casualties. This leaves the Chaos forces in a prime position to raid the planets' poorly defended populous cities.

Gas giant as focal point of a major clash of forces

Chaos murder class cruiser plastering the Imperial cruiser with heavy barrages

Imperial cruiser fleeing from chasing Chaos forces

Imperial cruiser trying to outmaneuvre the Traitor fleet