The blackbird turns canary
I've successfully made the first step of the evolution from "Black Avengers" to "Imperial Fists". Having invented a generic black-themed Space Marine chapter as a teenager, I've given in for my love for all the background of the Grimdark and started turning my little toy soldiers yellow. This post gives an impression of the journey my beloved metal Terminators went through.Stripped by using nailpolisher (acetone as all metal models) & priming white
This was the first time I stripped models, so after reading some posts in various forums and butchering a poor plastic dude I now found a way that works for me: dipping them in acetone for metal models and parts, and ethyl alcohol for plastic models, and then brush the heck out of 'em.I will try the ultrasonic cleaner method soon, see if that spares me the hideous brushing.
Base colours yellow, black, red
My second attempt at painting yellow (see the blue print blastic terminators in the top left), but first time on metal models. Since I prime white most of the time, I don't find it that hard despite my very limited painting skills, once you've learned the many-watered-coats mantra.Did my first wet-blending on the backside of the coat of the captain. You can't see it in the pictures but it turned out nice, and is a fun technique that I will definetly keep using.
Details and Bases
Just finished the details today. I put more effort into highlighting secondary colours such as red. You can't tell from the pictures, but I like the overall result, adds subtle visual pleasure and certainly pays off.Since some of the metal rails below the feet broke of when dissembling before stripping, I rebased them on cork plateaus and bigger bases to realign them with the current line of terminators gameplay wise. Went for a lava theme for the cork using dark colours and drybrushing, turned out nice.
Overall I am happy with the result and can't wait to put them on the tabletop again!